This sample shows several "icons" that were originally SVG paths, used as Shapes in GoJS.
Above some icons are shown in a Tree-like Diagram, below a larger selection is shown.
You can easily add your own shapes to GoJS by writing your own geometry strings, or by copying SVG path strings, as is done in this sample. The icons for this sample are defined in this page.
Read more about GoJS path syntax here.
The icons in this sample are from a selection of free icons at
This predefined layout is used for placing Nodes in a grid-like arrangement. Nodes can be ordered, spaced apart, and wrapped as needed. This Layout ignores any Links connecting the nodes being laid out. More information can be found in the GoJS Intro.
This predefined layout is used for placing Nodes of a tree-structured graph in layers (rows or columns). For discussion and examples of the most commonly used properties of the TreeLayout, see the Trees page in the Introduction. More information can be found in the GoJS Intro.
A tooltip is an Adornment that is shown when the mouse hovers over an object that has its GraphObject.toolTip set. The tooltip part is bound to the same data as the part itself.
It is typical to implement a tooltip as a "ToolTip" Panel holding a TextBlock or a Panel of TextBlocks and other objects. Each "ToolTip" is just an "Auto" Panel Adornment that is shadowed, and where the border is a rectangular Shape with a light gray fill. However you can implement the tooltip as any arbitrarily complicated Adornment.
More information can be found in the GoJS Intro.
The GoJS Geometry class controls the "shape" of a Shape, whereas the Shape.fill and Shape.stroke and other shape properties control the colors and appearance of the shape. For common shape figures, there are predefined geometries that can be used by setting Shape.figure. However one can also define custom geometries.
One can construct any Geometry by allocating and initializing a Geometry of at least one PathFigure holding some PathSegments. But you may find that using the string representation of a Geometry is easier to write and save in a database. Use the static method Geometry.parse or the Shape.geometryString property to transform a geometry path string into a Geometry object.
More information can be found in the GoJS Intro.
GoJS has one function for creating SVG: Diagram.makeSVG, which returns a new SVGElement with a representation of a GoJS Diagram. The method has a single argument, a JavaScript Object that contains several definable properties, enumerated in the documentation. More information can be found in the GoJS Intro.
GoJS allows diagrams to be themed. This is commonly used to provide a light and dark mode for diagrams.
The Diagram.themeManager handles themes within a Diagram. The ThemeManager can by shared by multiple diagrams, and is responsible to managing the current theme and default theme, along with any theme updates. More information can be found in the GoJS Intro.