A Sankey diagram is a type of flow diagram where the Link thickness is proportional to the flow quantity.

This sample customizes LayeredDigraphLayout.

This sample demonstrates one way of generating a Sankey or flow diagram. The data was derived from https://tamc.github.io/Sankey/.

GoJS Features in this sample


The Link class is used to implement a visual relationship between nodes. Links are normally created by the presence of link data objects in the GraphLinksModel.linkDataArray or by a parent key reference as the value of the TreeModel.nodeParentKeyProperty of a node data object in a TreeModel. More information can be found in the GoJS Intro.

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Layered Digraph Layout

This predefined layout is used for placing Nodes of a general directed graph in layers (rows or columns). This is more general than TreeLayout, as it does not require that the graph be tree-structured. More information can be found in the GoJS Intro.

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Custom Layouts

GoJS allows for the creation of custom layouts to meet specific needs.

There are also many layouts that are extensions -- not predefined in the go.js or go-debug.js library, but available as source code in one of the three extension directories, with some documentation and corresponding samples. More information can be found in the GoJS Intro.

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